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As always, our advanced camp features higher level training for students who exhibit maturity, responsibility, leadership, teamwork, hard skill expertise and strong physical and mental endurance. Attending only after years of successful Scout Camp I (basics) training, advanced scouts are expected to be able and willing to endure extreme environmental exposure, long hours, sleepless nights, and hunger. While some of the camp experience is fun, warm, and cozy, this year turned out to push the limits of all with 12 hour consecutive-day navigations over Appalachia's toughest terrain with little food and water in elevation changes of 2-3,000 feet, topping out well over 6,000! This gallery is NOT representative of everything done at SCII. Heh heh.

While this year's theme was "On Target" it seemed to turn out to be "Quiet, Still" as we took all available chances to exercise our scout camp motto.

Our two students this year not only met and passed all challenges with humor, they were successful with every fire attempt using primitive means, made their own knives for the trip, scavenged found items for use and ate/drank along trails at every opportunity.

Congratulations! It's a honor to lead and teach such fine folk as you, good luck in your every endeavor, hope to see you back again next year.