I have often wondered at the meaning of Individuality. Break it into two parts, Indivi, as in indivisible, unable to be divided, and duality, two simultaneous as one. So are we two parts co-existing as one? Hmmmm... Anyway, here's a neat poem a friend wrote down for me of his creation. It's been fading on a piece of wrinkled paper on my fridge for far too long. I have always enjoyed reading it and hope you will too. Mr. B

"Individuality", Guy Johnson

If I said what I say to suit you

The the voice that speaks wouldn't be me

If pleasing your ear were my purpose

Then how could I call myself free?

If I wrote with the purpose to please you

and render your thinking divine

and compromise my thoughts and values

Then my writing could not be called mine

If I sang my own song and it irks you,

If my doing my thing makes you mad,

then I'm sorry for all your displeasure

but for your narrow mind I am sad.

For in difference there lies such a beauty

Individuality must always prevail

If you hate me for being my own man

then it's you sir, not I, who have failed

When you learn the great art of acceptance

of another man's own point of view

Then the first step toward wisdom you've taken

and the trials that remain will be few."

- Guy Johnson


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