original letter written 19 May, 2006


Hello all dear friends,

I was hoping someone else would respond to the article linked by Master B in an articulate and thoughtful way and am disappointed that I must be the only one to rise to the challenge.


My initial reaction is beyond expression but as a few days have passed I am ready to share my feelings in an appropriate way.


First of all, I do not believe the article was written by someone who has made any significant investments in or sacrifice for this country.  It is indicative of the spoiled, intellectual, mindset so common on college campuses held by those who have been given everything the last two generations worked so hard for.  The in-road for socialism in the current political climate is this notion that certain people are ‘entitled' to special treatment; government handouts and favors. How better to initiate such a transfer of power than to infest the ethnic majority with a hollow sense of pain and guilt for their ancestor's mistakes – after all, no one else in the world made any mistakes.

It is false logic to assume that we should bear guilt for centuries past.  Every race on Earth has sinned against fellow man.  If we are to graduate and evolve into the next century in a productive and positive way we must leave behind these tendencies to self-defecate and hide our heads in shame for things we had no part of. Moreover, and it's sad this has to be written, America has been a great light for real freedom for hundreds of years. Of course there are major changes that took place including voting rights, black liberty, and access to education, but the miracle is that they COULD take place. Our government, as riddled as it is with corruption, is still a pinnacle in the world for the ideals of liberty and justice as much as has been possible in this day and time. The leaders in our communities; doctors, teachers, active citizens, policemen, firefighters, as well as the majority of my fellow brothers in arms, are good examples of civic minded, active people who are doing what they can to save this country from the self-destructive path it is on.

The thing people are neglecting to fully process is that America is weak right now. We have some problems associated with energy and debt and there are a lot of people who are ready to see us fall. They will have no compassion if the remaining world powers decide to dole out their own sense if justice and righteousness – and don't think for a second that the Chinese will apply any great ancient spiritual wisdom in the form of peace and compassion to those they see as ‘threats to the state'. The propaganda machine is in full force convincing global citizens that America is evil, and that same sickness has even infected our own citizens. We are spoiled. We have not worked for what we have. We have always had it. We do not appreciate it. And when it's gone, it will be very difficult to get back.

Socialism is the driving force behind all of the major anti-American sentiment we see prevalent today. A tide of leftism is sweeping south America, Europe, and a fascist version of Islam is bullying the majority of Muslims elsewhere in the world. The great chess game of global domination is underway, as it always has been, and America is not the only player. The war is as much information as it is manpower, for now.

How could it be that Americans are apologetic about having a border? How could it be that it is racist to stop criminal behavior? Maybe we are forgetting that critique is a part of the American political process, even revolution, but not anger towards the ideals and principles of the constitution of the United States. The water is so muddy that it is very difficult, and requires constant alertness, to perceive what is being said with each article, news story, and picture displayed in mass media.

It comes down to this; there are two sides. People are afraid to stand up for anything, they have swallowed some psychobabble about black and white thinking, and they will not believe that there is right and wrong. We are either on the side of our country, regardless of political opinion, by being active and positive members of the culture working for the change we see as important, being the ultimate check in republican government – the people, or we are fueling the insurgency which has as an end goal the eradication of the constitutional republic and replacing it with corporate fascism disguised as social benevolence. That article (sent earlier), to me, was not helpful or positive in any way. If it's the first time people have heard about genocide to Indians or American Imperialism, then I am sad for their lack of education regarding history. I do not, however, apologize. Instead I stand up for what is good and just according to my beliefs, the constitution of the United States, and will continue to teach all of my students the importance of citizenship and critical thinking.


Spencer Bolejack

Land of the Sky Martial Arts