DST refers to my published method of skill analysis "Doctrine Strategy Tactics".

In any skill we hold already to a certain degree, or even more appropriate a skill which we are seeking to acquire, it is fundamental to begin practice with clearly defined goals. Since any skill has numerous applications, without goals we waste valuable training time and mis-allocate resources for ourselves or someone we are teaching. Take Music for example. In music there are many applications such as; a heavy metal band, studio production of commercial soundtracks, jazz ensemble, bluegrass quartet, live performance, classical, teaching and instruction, and on and on. Since we may not yet know what direction we should take as a beginner it is my advice to simply apply DST as soon as possible. DST itseld is not used to decide a course of action, it is a way to apply our chosen course to training and practice of a given skill.

Continuing with the example of music, once a student realizes their course is music education they begin to practice advanced skills and methods particular to that study. A future teacher would need to know a variety of instruments perhaps, the history, proper trained technique, famous works, and how to take a student through levels of understanding - pedagogy. A heavy metal rockstar, being a fair opposite from the first example, used only because small increments would not illustrate the point as clearly, would not need those skill sets but would need an image, production, live presence, physical endurance, and bold playing ability.

So now as we apply DST in this or any other skill we do as follows;




Why am I going to need this skill? What do I need to do to achieve success? How do I do those things, specifically?

So we complete a chart starting with Doctrine. Next implement strategies that have been successful in the past for you or someone or something else. For example, if you want to be a point sparring champion in Tae Kwon Do (Doctrine), you will need to learn timing, have solid kicking techniques, and understand the rules of play (Strategy), this includes counter techniques that are successful and common scoring methods. Then you set to work using leg weights, practice fighting, kicking things, setting up combinations and trying them out and repeating them (Tactics).

I often refer to this whole procedure when teaching around at clinics or seminars especially within the wilderness skills arena. So, this short publication is a general reference for students and folks I have covered things in person with.

For more examples and to help you really let it sink in do the following; I define the subject as Cooking, you define the Doctrine.



Examples could be, to impress a girl, to feed yourself healthy food on a regular basis, to gain muscle mass, or gain employment at a French Restaraunt. OK, what sort of things will you need to become proficient, what ideas will work or would you like to try?



Lastly, get to work. Find specific recipes, and do them over and over. Practice, repeat, practice, repeat, try new, practice, repeat.

You have now applied DST to Cooking, go put it to work for your own development in the field of your choice. If you are reading this you are likely involved in martial arts or wilderness skills to some degree. Let me know how it goes!



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